December 2021For the perfect foam mustache
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For the perfect foam mustache

Make the best cappuccino at home  

The cappuccino has a huge fanbase, in and outside of Italy. Not everyone is aware of the fact that you can also make a good cappuccino at home. Especially if the coffee temperature is set at the right level and you become familiar with the steamer and amount of foam to use.  

The Boretti espresso machines from Boretti allow you to make the best cappuccino at home. A cappuccino contains approximately 90ml of liquid: a 30ml espresso and the same amount of milk and foam. 

Preparing the best cappuccino:  

Fill a stainless steel jug one-third full with cold milk.  

Place the jug under the steam pipe. Bring the pipe just below the milk and tilt the pipe so that the milk jug can be turned. Open the pipe and slowly bring it to the surface until you hear a hissing sound.  

Check the temperature. As long as the jug can be held, it is no hotter than about 40°C.   

Heat the milk while turning it to about 65°C and until it has doubled in volume.   

At 65°C, the proteins attach themselves to the fat in the milk. The first time the temperature can be measured with a thermometer, after a few times you can adjust the temperature yourself.  

After use, wipe the pipe down with a clean cloth to prevent it sticking.  

Give the milk jug a firm tap on the worktop, this removes any remaining air bubbles.  

Prepare an espresso in a large mug.  

Pour the milk through the cream layer of the coffee starting from the middle, until it is half full.   

Tap the rim of the mug, tilt the jug and pour in the foam in one gulp.

"What I don't like is breakfast in the morning. I have a double-espresso cappuccino, but no food"

- Wolfgang Puck, Chef -

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